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Delivering success for inhaled drug development programmes

Author:Manufacturing Chemist


What makes for a successful inhaled drug development programme? In a recent article published by Manufacturing Chemist, by Geraldine Venthoye, EVP Product Development, Sandy Munro, SVP Pharmaceutical Development, and Nikki Willis, VP Pharmaceutical Development, titled ‘Delivering success for inhaled drug development programmes’, share their expertise and great insights.

Delivering success for inhaled drug development programmes

“No two inhaled drug development programmes will have exactly the same characteristics or drivers; so, to ensure the greatest chance of success, it is important not to be unduly influenced by previous programme, or have a technology bias towards a single platform

Vectura Group discusses the factors that must be evaluated afresh for each new development programme and the target delivery technology selected in a “device agnostic” manner”

You can find the full article ‘Delivering success for inhaled drug development programmes’, here.

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